Lack of Ethics with Long Range Hunting

1 year ago

With a lifetime of experience building guns and hunting game, it's not hard for Randy to tell what really goes on with these long range hunting videos that self-proclaimed expert gun builders, with no formal training in gun building or long range shooting have been producing to promote the long range hunting "capabilities" of the insanely expensive rifle systems that they build. Though they are often successful at killing animals at long distances, what they will never show on camera are the missed shots, the wounded game that got away, or the disabled animals from shots that are taken too far for the bullet to work properly to humanely kill. And then they have to put the animal out of its misery at 50 yards before they show the trophy and boost their egos in front of the camera. Just to sell the rifle they promote that it’s supposedly capable of killing at 1000+ yards straight from the company. Randy also has received first hand eye witness accounts from people who have witnessed these so called hunters shooting long distance at game which require multiple shots, sometimes up to a whole box of ammo, to kill or disable an animal at extreme long range, taking sometimes up to an hour to anchor an animal and in many instances having to put the animal down after finally making it over to discover it is still alive. The videos they produce are doctored and will never show what really happens on these long range hunts. This is wrong and it has to stop! Just because you have an overly expensive gun that can shoot a bullet over a mile doesn't mean the equipment or the shooter is capable of killing game at long range! This has been and continues to be dishonest marketing to sell product.
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