Episode 375: Trump's Needed Action

1 year ago

See full post description and references at: http://bit.ly/3EGpE7C
Trump’s needed action to Designing Men causing the liberal chaos in the nation is not so simple as winning the 2024 election. You must first know the Founders use of the word ‘Designing’ -
‘In an ill sense, artful; insidious; intriguing; contriving schemes of mischief; hence, deceitful. designing men are always liable to suspicion’ – Websters 1828 Dictionary

This establishment chaos is the result of two centuries of enlightenment thinking and theology that has placed the reasoning minds of humanism above the sovereignty of God. Many authors, deep thinkers, economist, pastors and Reformed minded citizens before me have laid out the mechanisms for what is only in the imaginations of our present patriotic citizenry. These mechanisms lay in the core truths of the nations founding. Yes, the root is Christian Nationalism and Biblical economics.
The reality is that Trump will not have one iota of effect on the trajectory of the statists establishment objectives without a Foundational Reformation of the churches, philosophy of governance and political economic thinking.

One needs to begin with the writing by ‘A Federalist’ who wrote one of the first Anti-federalists responses to the newly proposed Constitution. He titled his article “A Dangerous Plan of Benefit only to the "Aristocratick Combination." You must come to grips with the reality that the Constitution of 1787 and as presently Amended is being used, but in the ways that the Anti-federalists predicted. Here is a couple excerpts from that letter where I have made emphatic notations in underlined italics:
‘I am pleased to see a spirit of inquiry burst the band of constraint upon the subject of the NEW PLAN for consolidating the governments of the United States, as recommended by the late Convention… The hideous daemon of Aristocracy has hitherto had so much influence as to bar the channels of investigation, preclude the people from inquiry and extinguish every spark of liberal information of its qualities. At length the luminary of intelligence begins to beam its effulgent rays upon this important production; the deceptive mists cast before the eyes of the people by the delusive machinations of its INTERESTED advocates begins to dissipate, as darkness flies before the burning taper; and I dare venture to predict, that in spite of those mercenary dectaimers, the plan will have a candid and complete examination. Those furious zealots who are for cramming it down the throats of the people, without allowing them either time or opportunity to scan or weigh it in the balance of their understandings, bear the same marks in their features as those who have been long wishing to erect an aristocracy in THIS COMMONWEALTH [of Massachusetts]. Their menacing cry is for a RIGID government, it matters little to them of what kind, provided it answers THAT description. As the plan now offered comes something near their wishes, and is the most consonant to their views of any they can hope for, they come boldly forward and DEMAND its adoption. They brand with infamy every man who is not as determined and zealous in its favor as themselves. They cry aloud the whole must be swallowed or none at all, thinking thereby to preclude any amendment; they are afraid of having it abated of its present RIGID aspect.
Read the rest at: http://bit.ly/3EGpE7C

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