The Heavens Are Coming To Earth. Part 2.

1 year ago

The Heavens Are Coming To Earth. Part 2.

After the 'Born Again' moment, 'Baptism of Fire' which occured on the night of 22nd September 2014 - All my hopes of expectation satisfied, although I didn't fully know at the time.

It was dawning on me and results were coming steadily in...

Film includes excerpts from the public videos below.

I am my soul 3/11/14

Journey to god part 2 - list of desires 8/11/14

Journ to God part 3 - we are in God 8/11/14

Journ to God part 4 - 7:00 connect 8/11/14

Power of truth 24/11/14

The Greatest Gift Free will Nov 24 2014

Power of Love 4:30 May 3rd 2015

Tearing the veil June 24th 2015

May or June 2016 prediction June 24th 2015

Open Soul to Mother God July 2nd 2015

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