With the Light of My Teaching I will lead you to the Promised Land ❤️ The Book of the true Life Teaching 39 / 366

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The Book of the True Life Teaching 39 of 366

The Master teaches... With the Light of My Teaching I will lead you to the Promised Land

Divine Revelations Mexico 1866 - 1950

The Lord says:

1. I am the peace that descends upon you, for I see that there is only confusion in the world.

2. Watch and pray; do good unto others, and by practicing mercy, you will destroy war.

3. The tree of science, as men have cultivated it, is offering humanity a bitter fruit. But I will give you the crystalline water of love, so that you may use it to water that tree and observe how it will produce different fruits.

4. Before you discover the secret of cultivating the tree of science in My teaching, that tree will be shaken by strong winds, causing every last bad fruit to fall, thereby cleansing it.

5. After that storm you will begin to see a new light shine in your spirits; a light that will be reflected on all your paths of life.

6. You are living in the time of judgement. Remember how many times I have told you that the sickle of My divine justice will not tire in cutting the bad weeds.

7. Science, as well as the religions and men of power will get to feel My justice. Nothing will remain unexamined by My gaze or not weighed on My scales. From the beginning of mankind, sin has been condemned to die, and My Word must be fulfilled.

8. My people, when you see signs of these events on earth, elevate yourselves to Me in prayer; unite with your families, to form one single thought, and send your spirits as messengers of My love to your brothers, who are in need of peace.

9. Do not doubt the power of prayer. For if you do not have faith while practicing brotherly love, you will be unable to offer anything to your brothers.

10. Have I not taught you that even the unleashed forces of nature can hear your prayer and calm down? If those elements obey My voice, why should they not obey the voice of the Lord's children, when they have prepared themselves?

11. I have taught you how to pray since the time I was among you on earth, so that, in the moments of trials, you would know how to communicate with your Father and, gaining strength from Him, you would fulfill your mission of love and mercy among humanity.

12. Prayer is a blessing that God has granted man, so that it will serve him as a ladder to elevate himself, as a weapon to defend himself, as a book to educate himself, and as a healing balsam with which to anoint himself and to heal all illnesses.

13. True prayer has disappeared from the earth. Men no longer pray, and when they attempt it, instead of speaking to Me with the spirit, they do it with their lips, employing empty words, rituals, and material idols. How will the people behold miracles when they use forms and practices that Jesus did not even teach?

14. It is necessary that true prayer returns to men, and I am the one who comes to teach it to you once more.

15. Blessed is he who, inspired in his love towards others, helps his brethren to spiritually elevate themselves, for when he opens his eyes to observe himself, he will see himself close to his Father.

16. Do not ask what you should do to fulfill your mission, for My law, simply stated, tells you to love one another. Be aware that each day of your life offers you an opportunity to practice that divine commandment.

17. Everyone can fulfill the mission to love in his own way. The one who guides souls, the one who teaches, the scientist, the governor, the head of the family; all of you can serve your fellow men when you inspire yourselves with My supreme commandment, which tells you this: "Love one another."

18. Everything will be cleansed. All will be renewed, so that the new generations might find the earth prepared for the fulfillment of their great spiritual mission.

19. Do not choose those whom you should love. Love all without distinction. Spiritual love cannot have preferences.

20. The love I teach you is beyond the love you feel for your family, for your country, and even for yourselves.

21. Do not be afraid of not being useful in this work of love when you think of your material poverty. Spiritualize yourselves, and you will not need the goods of the earth to be able to do good to your brothers. See how I have chosen My workers from among the needy and those of simple minds, and made them counsellors, doctors and confidants of those who suffer, so that they may come to them when they are in need of consolation and peace.

22. Inexhaustibly flowed the healing balsam from their love, from their previously ponderous lips resounded the word of light, instructing, renewing, inwardly moving and convincing. What did these workers think they carried within their hearts before I revealed their inheritance to them? Nothing; they felt like outcasts, unable to practice brotherly love and act on their own.

23. Behold how these humble workers are sought by their brethren; the rich present themselves to ask for help, the doctors come to consult them about their unsolvable problems, and those who have been educated in the schools of theology and philosophy come to learn their first proper lesson. O people, you already understand it, and you, humanity, will understand it as well; unless you learn to love, all the power and wealth of the earth will not be enough to bring you peace, or to make you useful to each other through material charity.

24. When there is love in your spirits, and you make it felt among your fellow men, then you will see miracles happen. Mercy, love, and goodness are the essence of a spiritual life; you who have not practiced those virtues, begin to practice them now. When someone comes knocking at your door, exhausted by thirst, fatigue and hunger, seat him at your table without checking if there is enough bread in the basket. Ask your heart if, upon inviting the traveller to your table, you did it with sincere love and true compassion. If you did, you will see the bread multiplied; all of you will be sated, and a flame of faith will ignite within the heart of the traveller, to give Me thanks and bless Me. The traveller will offer that same brotherly love to others, for you will have taught him a lesson of love, which can be understood by even the most insensitive individuals.

25. Be humble. Remember that I, your God, was born in humility, and later covered My body with a simple mantle. Why do you always dream of fine clothing and even come to desire royal garments?

26. Your kingdom is not of this world. This life is like a battlefield where you come to perform good deeds, so that later you may enter the conquered land victoriously and receive your reward in it.

27. Never leave your cross along the way. Do not abandon your mission, for it would be the same as if you were running away from the struggle, cowardly throwing away your weapons during a battle and renouncing the victory that awaits your spirit.

28. I am the perfect way. During my stay on earth I passed the Book of True Life on to humanity with My examples; those lessons will teach you how to fight and emerge from all battles victorious. My sword of love battled humanity's evil and ignorance unceasingly. My weapons were not deadly, and I did not bring you death, but eternal life. My gentleness disturbed and confused those who offended Me; My loving forgiveness triumphed over their hardened hearts, and My death as a man awakened them to a life of grace. Do you not recall that the promised Messiah had been announced as an invincible warrior?

29. It is time for love, forgiveness, and humility to spring forth from the hearts of men, as true weapons to oppose hatred and pride. If men continue to clash with one another, filled with pride and hatred, the nations of this world will destroy themselves, and there will be no peace in the hearts of men.

30. Humanity refused to understand that only by living in peace will it find true happiness and be able to progress. Still it continues to pursue material power and false greatness, shedding the blood of its brothers, destroying lives and the faith of all.

31. Man, with his arrogant use of science, is defying My law, and I say to you that I will once again fight against his sin; but man will not find a proud and arrogant judge in Me, because those are human defects, and neither will he feel the weight of divine vengeance, because the low passions are inherent in your imperfection. Man will encounter an inexorable judge, as well as a master who will instruct him in a great teaching of love.

32. Not all of you want wars, and neither do all of you feel hatred or arrogance towards the innocent and those of good will and faith. I will give signs when wars are forthcoming, so that you may watch and pray, because with your prayer and vigilance you will not be harmed by deadly weapons.

33. From east to west and from north to south, the nations will arise to reject one another, and they will all confront one another on the crossroads. This clash will produce an immense pyre, upon which hatred will be burned, arrogance will be eradicated and the bad weeds will be destroyed.

34. The new generations must find a pure earth in order for peace and love to flourish, but before that, even the last trace of Cain's crime, whose legacy humanity still carries within itself, will disappear.

35. Do you who bask in the spiritual radiance of My teachings believe that all this pain that is approaching contains a divine punishment or retribution? No, you tell Me; it is the fruit we have cultivated and which we shall now reap.

36. I always have compassion for My children, for you are too small to understand all the evil you do to yourselves. That is why I draw near to you, and by materializing My Word I send My messengers to admonish you, to warn you of your evil ways. But when have you ever heeded My calls? Never! That is why humanity suffers.

37. Beloved people, do not be idle spectators in view of the chaos occurring on earth, for you will have to give Me an account of the peace and strength you have received.

38. You have received this peace and strength to pray, so that your minds may not darken, and so that you may prove diligent and untiring in doing good, in kindling faith, and in spreading comfort among men.

39. Beloved disciples, spread My teaching among your brothers. I order you to speak clearly, in the same manner that I have taught you. Carefully study all parts of this doctrine, for truly, I say to you, tomorrow you will be questioned by your brothers. I know that they will come to ask what your beliefs are concerning the Holy Trinity, the divinity of Christ, and the purity of Mary, and you must be strong in order to succeed in those trials.

40. Concerning the Trinity, you shall say that there do not exist three distinct beings within God, and that, instead, simply one single Divine Spirit manifested itself in three distinct developmental phases to humanity. This humanity however, lacking spiritual elevation, believed to see three gods where only one Spirit existed. Therefore, when you hear the name of Jehovah, think of God as a Father and judge. When you think of Christ, see Him as God the master, as love. And when attempting to understand the Holy Spirit, be aware that He is nothing else but God, manifesting His wisdom to his more advanced disciples.

41. If the humanity of earlier times had been as spiritually developed as the humanity of today, I would have manifested Myself before it as Father, as teacher, and as Holy Spirit, and then men would not have seen three gods where only one exists. But they were not capable of interpreting My lessons and would have become confused; they would have departed from My ways, continuing to create accessible and small gods, according to their imagination.

42. Now you know the reason for why the Father manifested Himself in separate phases, and you also understand the erroneous belief humanity held in regards to the Trinity.

43. In My divine Spirit exists an infinite number of manifestations and attributes, but because I have shown Myself in three principal attributes during three eras, I have called you Trinitarians, and now you already recognize Me in these three revelations and know how to unite them into one, beholding in it a single God, who may reveal Himself as a judge today, as a master tomorrow, and later as a Father of infinite wisdom and goodness.

44. Try no more to give Me a physical form in your imagination, because no form exists in My Spirit, just like intelligence, love or wisdom lack form as well.

45. I tell you this because many individuals have represented Me in the form of an old man when they think of the Father. I am not an old man, because I exist outside of time, and My Spirit has no age.

46. When you think of Christ, immediately you form the physical image of Jesus. But I tell you that Christ, the divine love born in the flesh, My Word made man, when He left His physical shell, merged with My Spirit from which He had emerged.

47. However, when you speak of the Holy Spirit, you use the symbol of the dove to try to imagine Him in some form. But I tell you that the time of symbols is over, and that for this reason, when you feel influenced by the Holy Spirit, receive it as inspiration, as light in your spirit, as clarity that dispels uncertainties, mysteries and darknesses.

48. When I tell you that Christ is the love of the Father, understand that Christ is divine. What is so strange about the fact that God let His love become man, in order to make it known to a world that lacked spirituality? Is this not proof of perfect fatherly love, given to those who, because they cannot reach the Father, are sought by Him?

49. With this I wish to show you that Christ is not any less than Me, nor does He come after Me, for if He is love, then this love does not come after or before any other power. It is united and merged with all other divine forces, forming the Absolute, the Divine, the Perfect.

50. And what do you want Me to tell you about Mary, who was sent by the Lord to the earth, to serve as the mother of Jesus, through whom God would speak?

51. Truly, I say to you, she was divine tenderness incarnate. For that reason, Mary did not doubt nor rebel when God's messenger announced to her in her home that she would give birth to the Messiah, for she knew it was God’s will. Her example was one of humility and faith; her work was silent and sublime. Because of this, she was the only one capable of fulfilling that celestial message and accepting that divine destiny without becoming vain.

52. Jesus lived his childhood and youth beside Mary, enjoying her motherly love. Mary, the divine tenderness, offered much sweetness to the Saviour during his first years of life in the world, for the hour would come when he was to drink much bitterness.

53. How is it possible for anyone to think that Mary, who conceived Jesus and lived with the Divine Master, could be lacking in spiritual elevation, purity, and holiness?

54. Whoever loves Me must necessarily love all that is Mine first, all that I love.

55. You shall share these teachings of love and mercy with your brothers. You need to know that it is not necessary for all of humanity to hear Me in the same form I have manifested Myself to you. All I need is for this multitude to be present and listen to these teachings, so that afterwards they will be My witnesses and messengers before their brothers.

56. If this form of communication were the most elevated that humanity could achieve, then it would have become known throughout the entire world, and it would have been permanent. But since this communication through human spokesmen is merely preparing man for the perfect communication of spirit to Spirit, I have only allowed this form of communication to continue until 1950.

57. These multitudes, who have attended the teachings of the Divine Master through the years, will be responsible for spreading this message among humanity once this manifestation comes to an end.

58. They must not arise to teach others until they have heard My final teachings, because those will be the most profound, and, therefore, the ones which will make them strong and prepared for the battle.

59. From the oldest congregations to those which have only recently begun to unite in houses of prayer, all have heard Me say that this communication will cease at the end of 1950; that is My divine will, and this people shall not oppose in any way what the Father has commanded.

60. It would be foolish of you to have this manifestation continue beyond 1950. If you were to do that, you would be denying the Father's justice and perfection. It would be the denial that it was I, the Unchanging One, who spoke to you.

61. I tell you this because, although no one feels capable of denying me at this moment, I know that in those final moments, during the bitter and sad hour of My departure, traitors will not be missing at My table. A weak individual that will reject the bread that has nourished him for a long time, and, with a false kiss of love, hand Me over to the scorn and ridicule of humanity.

62. Who do you believe will communicate through these spokesmen when the time of My communication has ceased? Do you, perhaps, want Me to participate in your disobedience?

63. Be aware that one act of disobedience on your part will create confusion among humanity later on, and that a disobedience of such magnitude would create chaos among the nations. No one would believe in My manifestation as the Holy Spirit; all would lose their faith.

64. Already I say to you that those spokesmen who want to make others believe that I am still manifesting myself through them after 1950, shall be rejected and called imposters, and whatever manifests itself through those spokesmen shall be called a false Christ. Furthermore, the seers who would participate in this deception shall be called false prophets.

65. O My people, strengthen yourselves in all that I say to you today, so that, when the time of trials comes, you may know how to remain strong, united in My law, and respecting My will. For with your conduct you will give the greatest testimony of what you have believed: that this word is the supreme truth. Anyone who does otherwise will have denied Me.

66. Blessed are those who remain faithful to My Word, for when the time comes, I will use them as messengers and witnesses of this divine message, a message which I have given through human spokesmen and will leave behind for humanity. These teachings will prepare man to truly communicate with the Father from spirit to Spirit.

67. Today I seek your spirit, because the spiritual valley is awaiting your presence.

68. You have not been able to elevate yourselves spiritually, because each of your imperfections is a link in the chain that ties you to earthly possessions. Those imperfections prevent you from elevating yourselves to the spiritual regions, where you belong.

69. What merits will you earn for the life that awaits you after this one? Do you really think that your spirit can enter a world that is filled with enlightenment and spirituality?

70. Listen to this word, analyze it, and you will understand that it comes to help you rid yourselves of all that is unnecessary, because those influences do not allow your spirits to be free.

71. Here in My presence, relieve your soul of all impurity and let it be free. Do not fear, for you will not reveal any secrets to Me. I know you better than you know yourselves. Confess intimately unto Me. I will understand you better than anyone else, and I will pardon all your transgressions and sins, for I am the only one who can judge you. When you have reconciled with your Father and you hear your spirit intone a triumphant hymn, peacefully take a seat at My table and eat and drink the nourishment of the Spirit that is contained in the essence of My Word.

72. When you rise from the table to return to your daily tasks, do not forget that in all your ways, My law is present, and My gaze sees you. With this I mean to tell you that not only when you enter these houses of prayer to hear My Word should you prepare yourselves in spirit and in thought, but that the fear of offending Me, which you show in these places, should accompany you everywhere and at all times.

73. You have My Word in your conscience, so that you may ask it for advice as you walk along the path of fulfilling your mission.

74. I give the same word to all who listen to Me. I do not give more to the poor simply because they are needy, nor do I give less to the rich. Truly, I say to you, that, in spirit, all of you are needy.

75. I love everyone equally. I do not see differences in classes, races, languages or religious beliefs, and not even in sexes. I speak to the spirit; it is your spirit that I seek and have come to teach, to guide it with the light of My teaching to the Promised Land.

My Peace be with you!

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