The DemonCratic Treason of Death By China How America Lost its Manufacturing Base

1 year ago

This award-winning film examines the US-China trade relationship. The companion Crouching Tiger ten-episodeYT documentary on YT is based on the best-selling book Crouching Tiger:

What China's Militarism means for the world.
Watch Episode One of Crouching Tiger: .
View the Crouching Tiger Book on Amazon:

For more details, visit and

So why is Amos37 posting this documentary? I was in the Air Force during the Cold War era with President Regan. Many of the bases and technological advances America enjoyed were simply sold to China by the Clinton Machine... That's when I woke up.

America is not in Bible Prophecy in the Last Days... Many scholars have pondered this mystery... So what happens to America?

Since the 1950s to 60's US official policies have taken away God's provencal hand...

-Removing God from the Public Square
-So-called Separation of God n State
-Bible & Prayers Removed
-Roe vs. Wade
-And too many other things

-China is just one of the many manifestations of God's Judgment on America...

Again we ponder the specter of America in Bible Prophecy... All the signs are in place, America is still a Super Power, and the End Time Scenario is evidently here.

Possible scenarios:

-The Rapture occurs, and America falls into even more chaos.
-War breaks out, and America is soundly beaten.
-EMP attack that devastates our infrastructure causing up to 90% casualties in just 1 year.
-Bioweapons reduce America to a Third World nation.
-Civil War and internal Chaos over Political factions.
-America just simply implodes under her own corruption and is absorbed into a Global dictator... Great Resetish thing.

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