Ukraine: Can't stop now, supposedly - UK Column News - 28th November 2022

1 year ago

- Brutal battle for Bakhmut (Artemovsk), which is being stormed by Russian private military companies
- Brian Gerrish reviews pro-Russian platforms' coverage of carnage on the Donetsk Front: whole Ukrainian armoured columns wiped out, Passchendaele-level horror in the muddy trenches
- Ugledar: white phosphorus or thermite deployed?
- BBC—Ukraine war: Russia atrocities bring Nato members closer
- Brian Gerrish reminder of recent coverage: Unbelievably disingenuous claim by BBC Europe editor Katya Adler that NATO itself is not training Ukrainians
- 26 February article reminder—BBC: The comedian president who is rising to the moment
- Clip: Menacing music and applied psychology by the Ministry of Defence as RAF Brize Norton crew supplies Ukrainians with Brimstone missiles
- Politico: Europe accuses US of profiting from war
- New York Times: Artillery is breaking in Ukraine. It’s becoming a problem for the Pentagon.
- Brian Berletic, The New Atlas, lists additional munitions provided to Kiev: National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS) and a long shopping list besides
- New York Times: How was Russia able to launch its biggest aerial attack on Ukraine?—threadbare assertion that NATO specialists are not involved in air defence maintenance contract
- The Economist: Either Vladimir Putin loses or the West does, says Lord Robertson (British former Secretary-General of NATO)
- Daily Beast: Russia risks knockout blow in war as Putin hits rock bottom—interview with Defence Secretary Ben Wallace
- Doublespeak of the Day: Rishi Sunak addressing Mansion House tonight on foreign policy: “Freedom never achieved standing still … We will stand up to [Russia and China] not with grand rhetoric but with robust pragmatism”
- UK Column verdict: "Robust pragmatism" would appear to mean "muddling through"


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