MZTV 1096: Christianity's Final Solution, Part 2

1 year ago

Unbelievers are to Christians what the Jews were to Hitler’s Reich: evil expendables; undesirables fit only for punishment. The Jews must be punished for their lack of Aryan blood; the unbelievers for their lack of faith. In both cases, it is a Final Solution. Anyone working toward either Solution, in whatever capacity, is complicit, and must blindly accept it as “God’s way.”

Consider the case of Adolf Eichmann, the logistics man for the Final Solution. His defense was that he "never killed anyone." No, he simply made it easier for the camps to kill the undesirables because he arranged for their transport there.

All Christians who do not speak out against eternal conscious torment are complicit in its publication. They never killed anyone; their god did that. But they brought the prisoners to the camp. They will meet a similar fate as Eichmann at the Great White Throne: death; at the least, unfavorable judgment. Christ will say to them, "Depart from Me; I never knew you, workers of lawlessness."


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