Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

1 year ago

CovidHoax - What They Are Not Telling You.


A Human Experiment – The ‘Government’ enforced global genocide – The media encouraged and promoted it!

Global suffering, no effective treatment, doctors have no idea what to do for those who have taken the lethal injection!

“Once you start to divide a nation into two distinct groups you have abandoned liberty and democracy and replaced it with tyranny, fear and suspicion and the creation of an inferior class”.


Compliments of AustraliaOne Party.

0:00 - Australia Is Not Free

7:42 - Rockefeller Foundation’s Future Scenario “Lock Step” (Released In 2010)

12:43 - Doctor Reveals The Dangers Of Wearing Masks

23:46 - Former Vice President At Pfizer Speaks Out

26:08 - Blood Clots - “Vaccine” Injuries

30:34 - Forced “Vaccinations” In Australia

32:12 - The “Covid” Camps & Hotel Quarantine Nightmares

1:00:25 - Why Australia Is Becoming A Prison Colony Again

1:06:48 - More “Vaccine” Injuries And Deaths

1:11:41 - Funeral Director Sounds The Alarm: “You Will Die If You Keep Taking These Jabs”

1:23:40 - Doctors And Nurses Expose The “Vaccine” Deaths - Part 1

1:33:17 - When The Police Start Showing Up At Your Door

1:38:26 - No More Privacy! - Australia Passes “Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt Bill 2020)”

1:43:16 - The “Covid-19 Virus” Lies

1:51:49 - Pfizer Is Truly Evil And Their Connections To The Occult

2:01:48 - Caught On Camera: Blood Clots Caused By The Pfizer “Vaccine”

2:11:50 - How The W.H.O. Changed The “Pandemic” Definition In 2009 - They Can Now Declare A “Pandemic” With Zero Deaths

2:21:01 - Why Some “Vaccinated” Are Injured/Dying And Others Are Not - It’s All Planned

2:25:25 - “Choose Your Poison”, Says “COVID Commander” Of Victoria

2:29:52 - Doctors And Nurses Expose The “Vaccine” Deaths - Part 2

2:44:22 - “Lock, Stock & Barrel” Against The Unvaccinated

2:47:17 - Australian State “Premiers” Trying To Out-Tyrant Each Other

2:52:59 - “The Great Reset” And “Build Back Better” Agendas Exposed

3:01:08 - The Unvaccinated Will Be “Locked Out” From Society

3:08:33 - Australia Purchased 7 Years Worth Of Vaccines, 2 Doses Per Person Every 6 Months

3:10:14 - The Omicron Hoax

3:16:39 - The PCR Test Fraud That’s Driving Up Covid Hoax “Cases”

3:22:11 - “Life For The Unvaccinated Will Be Very Difficult Indefinitely”

3:33:05 - The Sinister Reason Behind Forced Face Mask Wearing

3:46:39 - World Economic Forum Founder: “We Have To Prepare For A
More Angry World”

3:58:50 - New Zealand Has Its Own Little Dictator

4:04:25 - “Covid” Tyranny In Canada

4:10:00 - “Covid” Tyranny In The United Kingdom

4:17:15 - “Covid” Tyranny In Other European Countries

4:21:18 - “Covid” Tyranny In Asia, Latin America, Africa, etc.

4:27:27 - Why Some Places Have Relaxed Or Removed Their “Covid Rules” - “Two Steps Forward, One Step Back”

4:28:01 - “Doctor” Fauci In 2017: Prepare For A “Surprise Outbreak” Under Trump’s Presidency

4:29:48 - Americans Punished For Not Wearing A Mask Or For Being Unvaccinated

4:40:45 - The American “Covid” Tyranny In Chronological Order

4:53:13 - “Welcome To Day 367 Of 15 Days To Slow The Spread”

5:01:19 - Man Who Lived Under Communism Gives A Dire Warning About “Covid” Mandates

5:04:49 - Joe Biden’s “Vaccinators”

5:07:53 - The Real Reason Surgical Doctors Wear Face Masks

5:10:09 - “Human Beings Do Well When They Have Carrot And Stick”

5:15:14 - Double Standards: “Rules For Thee, Not For Me”

5:20:12 - The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic Hoax

5:27:43 - Bill Gates’ Event 201 “Coronavirus Pandemic Exercise” (2019)

5:38:10 - Bill Gates Is An Eugenicist Who Wants To Reduce The World’s Population

5:53:57 - The Dark History Of Rockefeller

5:57:04 - Bill Gates On “Pandemic 2”: “That Will Get Attention This Time”

5:58:46 - Dark Winter “Pandemic Exercise” (2001)

6:02:52 - Atlantic Storm “Bioterrorism Exercise” (2005)

6:05:51 - Clade X “Pandemic Exercise” (2018)

6:06:37 - SPARS 2025-2028 “Pandemic Exercise” (2017)

6:15:57 - Why Almost All Countries Imposed “Covid” Lockdowns In Lock Step

6:18:01 - Unmasking The Plans Of The World Economic Forum

6:21:16 - The United Nations Announces The New World Order

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