The Church Fathers (Ep. 1) - And so it begins... Euthanasia, Pavement Super Glue, and Neo-Paganism

2 years ago

Well done for clicking and watching the inaugural episode of The Church Fathers podcast. No really, stickers and scout badges will be sent in the post for this heroic achievement.

At some point in the not-so-distant future, this will be a slick, professional YouTube channel with links, giveaways, and a high-tech viewing experience (with no falling phones).

Until then, join us for weekly episodes and enjoy the banter, #dadjokes, and down-to-the-root, Biblical analysis of wider culture in the #messywest

Please like, share, and subscribe to propel this commentary (near-extinct and badly needed in 21st century Britain and Europe) onto the interweb...

...and our faces onto the FBI's list of 'Most Wanted Dangerous Extremists' - a boy can dream! #bucketlist

May the peace of Christ be upon you,
Ben and Tom

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