Marketing A New Business

2 years ago

What I've done is join networking groups, tell everybody what you're doing,
and have business cards, people might think business cards are passed but have business cards. Let everybody know. Don't assume that people know what you're doing. I found that to be true where I've talked to people who I thought were, who I know are very good friends of mine, and they're like, oh, I didn't know you were working with somebody like this, I didn't know if you were, like, working for a nonprofit healthcare company. And, yeah, I so just yeah. Don't assume that people know what you're doing. If you have to tell them, seven, eight, twelve, fifteen, a hundred times. Tell your audience that.
And don't be shy. It's your business. It's your business. It's how you feed you,
yourself, and your family. So you have to put your nose to the grindstone
and pound the pavement as they say and just don't be afraid to bombard
people with what you're doing.

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