US shortwave EAMs – November 29 2022 – callsign NOBLEMAN

2 years ago

Today was pretty busy, and there were (at least) 3 additional messages broadcast on top of what's included in this video;

22.43 G F G 3 X 4 B B S Q R J P P O J V G G 3 Y 6 S J 7 I T E F B
22.46 G F I H G B 7 F U K E Y Q R U J Y U T B K U W H B P E O H 4
22.59 G F I H G B 7 F U K E Y Q R U J Y U T B K U W H B P E O H 4

Follow my Twitter @02_0279 for occasional additional updates. I can also be contacted via Twitter DM if you'd prefer to get in touch that way.

#INTERNETFREQUENCYSQUAD #OSINT #shortwaveradio #skyking #russia #russiaukrainewar #usaf

"The HF-GCS is used by the United States Air Force to send instructions for their operations through messages, and most commonly send Emergency Action Messages (EAMs). The HF-GCS is not exclusive to the USAF, and is used by other countries too, but not as often. They also send higher priority messages known as “Skyking Messages” which will even be read over-top and interrupt an EAM to be read. Both of these messages are time sensitive and are read live in NATO Phonetic letters.The primary HF-GCS frequency is 11175 kHz, and it transmits 24/7 on that frequency as well as 8992 kHz. The HF-GCS also transmits on 4724, 6712 (Croughton), 6739, 13200, and 15016 during their scheduled times, which is still most of the day." -

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