Springfield PD Admit Coercion On Bodycam Footage. Investigation Response Email. Follow Up. Mass.

2 years ago

This was on Monday March 22nd 2021 at approximately 18:08, outside of the Springfield police headquarters in Springfield Massachusetts. This is a follow-up with the bodycam footage, I finally received after 4 months and the email response to the investigation being completed. They said that the officers did nothing to violate their policies or the law. All contact information and original videos will be linked below. The original video have about 20 minutes worth of phone calls I made to the department. Please let me know what you think of the interaction in the comment section below!!! Donations are happily and humbly accepted!!! Much Love, Respect And Appreciation!!!

https://www.paypal.me/MassAccountability CashApp:

https://cash.app/$MassAccountability44 Subscribe to

PRESS NH NOW : https://youtube.com/channel/UCyDz929Z8Ysypf3jaX60UYg

Livestream From Springfield Police Headquarters: https://youtu.be/s5cmAZLJkdQ

Springfield Police Department Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpringfieldPoliceDeptMA/

Website: https://www.springfield-ma.gov/police

Non-Emergency Incident Report Line #: 413-750-2525
Non-Emergency #: 413-787-6300
Emergency #: 911

Springfield Police Department
Attention Clerk’s Office
130 Pearl Street
Springfield, MA 01105

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please call or email the Springfield Police Department's Community Liaison Suehaley Arce at 413-787-6359 or sarce@springfieldpolice.net

Twenty-four hours a day:
Springfield Police Department
130 Pearl Street
Front Desk 413-787-6322 (request to speak with a supervisor)
Squad Captain / Watch Commander 413-787-6325 (request to speak with commanding officer on duty)

City Hall
Clerks Office
36 Court Street
413-787-6094 or 413-736-3111 or 311

Springfield Police Department
Internal Investigation Unit (IIU)
299 Page Boulevard

3. Deliver by email to IIUSubmit@SpringfieldPolice.net



Mass Accountability Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/CiMv0HRpCL56/

Mass Accountability Odysee/LBRY: https://odysee.com/@MassAccountability:c?r=2PDeUxhDWw5KWpu2pEHMhuzipGCCaTA8


Mass Accountability Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MassAccountability/

Mass Accountability Instagram: mass_accountability

Mass Accountability TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRJreHxt/

Mass Accountability Twitter: https://twitter.com/MassAccountabi1?s=09

Mass Accountability Network Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOSwr6KKAzNb7DFqXjJNKmQ

Tommy Visions Channel (My Photography and Videography Channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ6d6f3xohrBbcSqWnW405g

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