Biblical Boldness & Masculinity (Part 2)

2 years ago

(S1E42) DOUG GILES – It’s no secret that everything in our culture from media to education is doing its best to emasculate men. With labels like “Toxic Masculinity” and the gender confusion being promoted in schools, tv shows and movies, it’s no wonder so many men have become passive and complacent. This episode will restore biblical masculinity and recharge men to enter the war for the culture and the hearts and minds of the next generation.

Meet Doug Giles.
Doug is a world-class artist, best-selling author of many books with provocative titles and even more inspiring content. He’s the host of the Doug Giles Podcast, Warriors and Wildmen, and a Teaching Pastor. Doug is also an artist and a filmmaker and his online gallery can be seen at DougGiles.Art. His first film, Biblical Badasses: A Raw Look at Christianity and Art, is available there. His most recent book is The Wildman Devotional: A 50-Day Devotional for Men is a game-changer for the masculine soul. AND...He was permanently banned from his 2 million followers by Facebook in 2018.

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