George Carlin Credits Mort Sahl as The First Man To Revolutionize Comedy

2 years ago

If you want to see more, without any cuts I just made -
Mort Sahl actually started in 1950, got his first professional weekly job in 1953 at the hungry i.... If you look at the 40s, 30s, and before, you see burlesque and vaudeville. Again, I have thousands of newspaper articles about Mort Sahl creating a new kind of comedy. Joe Rogan said "Mort Sahl never got his shine because he lived too long", well, yeah, being the best comedian even in his 90s, I can see how a new society hates talent, sure. They loved a third xerox, not a literate and humorous x-ray of society, as opposed to kissing the ass of the political party in The Establishment.

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