The Media Don't Want You To See This...

1 year ago

I've never been one to have much of an opinion on what happens in the media...

I try to avoid putting my focus into situations that lower my frequency but this time I feel that the media have gone too far...

Click The Link Below To See What I'm Talking About>>

I've always felt like the media doesn't have the general public's best interest at heart. Broadcasting hate & scarcity...

Instead of Love and Abundance, I’ve learned through years of personal experience that you become what you focus on…

And if your day-to-day involves soaking up the negativity of the news you could become a hate-filled sponge, begging to be rinsed out...

Recently I've had it confirmed...

Over the last few years, the media has suppressed a MASSIVE breakthrough in research around the powerful universal laws of manifestation. Just see for yourself...

Click Below to See The Article talking about the media blocking groundbreaking research into how to increase our subconscious power to manifest our dreams..>>

When you understand what this means for humanity you'll understand why I'm so passionate about getting it into the people's hands!

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