Interview 358 with Jim Andre & Bradley Powers

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Jim Andre. Birthdate: 09/19/1953. Born and raised in New Bedford Massachusetts. Retired Massachusetts Constable and Motor Coach bus driver. Unclear memory of being a part of the Barney & Betty Hill abduction, coincidentally on my 8th birthday. (09/19/1961). I have always felt different than most, since childhood.

Move forward to the Fall of 2012. I distinctly recall it was a Wednesday night. With the thought of having to get up @ 3 a.m. to drive bus the next morning, I sat in front of the computer and noted the time in the lower right-hand corner of the computer monitor which read 9:15 p.m.

The next thing I know, I am waking up in the same place, in a daze, and upon glancing over @ the alarm clock, it was 2:57 a.m. As I was trying to gather my thoughts, I suddenly felt an intense burning sensation on my right forearm. Observing in shear awe, there is a tattoo resembling a short alien grey (Zeta Reticula) on my forearm.

I kept quiet about my experience for almost 2 years before deciding to go public. My first public interview was on a local cable TV channel. I was a Massachusetts Constable @ the time, and coincidently, the host of the show was Paul Santos, an attorney for a law firm I had done hundreds of serves for. I decided to basically put my reputation on the line. I have no regrets. It was like a therapy for me, whereas, it was like a load lifted off my shoulders. Here is the video of said interview:

Bradley Power is a Spiritualist and began seeing "Paranormal Phenomena" at aged nine!

At aged twelve Bradley he was visited by many forms of "Quantum Mystical Spiritual Entities!"

Since then he became a successful businessman as a "Managing Director" of ...

"A Car Breakers Yard & A Car Showroom" containing twenty cars for sale!

He then took over a nightclub called ...

"The Chapel"

which held 150 patrons who would come to worship the "Disc Jockey" who would be pumping out "Hardhouse Music" to Bradley's flock!

Then over 21 years ago his life changed and he became "A Voice Hearer" for eight years! The voice was malevolent and nearly lead Bradley to drive his car off a cliff of a mountain top and commit suicide! Eventually the "Dark Entity" left after it failed to cause Bradley's death! His life was tranquil for a short period of four years when suddenly another "Dark Demonic Living Entity" invaded his psyche causing Bradley to become "A Voice Hearer" once again! This possession has lasted thirteen years and this "Negative Energy" still haunts him to this day!

During the last thirteen years Bradley has also encountered other "Spiritual Entities" including "Merlin, Ancestral Druids, Daemons, Demons, Djinn, Deities, Regal Spirits, Gods, Goddesses, The Fae, Dragons, Creatures, Shades, Shadows, An Angel, A Cherubim Angel, Two Archangels & An Extraterrestrial!"

Archangel Gabriel has also blessed Bradley with his presence and was one of his encounters!

As "A Mystic & A Necromance" Bradley has witnessed numerous manifestations & materialisations from various Spirits both good and bad! Some were sadly trapped in "The Aether" as either ... "Lost Souls, Tortured Souls or Tormented Souls," many of whom were seeking Bradley's help to offer them refuge!

It gives me great pleasure to say that Bradley has performed "An Occultic Sermon" helping the Spirits of fifteen young men who had committed suicide to leave purgatory and head towards "The Divine Light!"

Archangel Gabriel also assisted by offering them a safe passage!

You are welcome to contact Bradley Powers on Facebook by leaving a message at any time and he will respond in due course to offer you assistance!

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