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2 years ago

什麼是冥想 如何冥想

What does meditation mean?
Meditation in theory is actually to stop the operation of the brain's external consciousness, so that one can achieve a state of selflessness. Meditation is performed while the mind is awake, and it can sharpen one's underlying consciousness.
Meditation can lead people to a state of liberation, and meditation can cultivate one's mind well. Studies have shown that regular meditation can make people more focused on doing things and prevent distraction. It can also help many anxious people divert their attention and get a good relaxation.
Method of meditation:
1. Follow-the-breath method: Mind breathing comes in and out naturally, the heart and breath depend on each other, and the mind and breath follow each other without interference, which is called follow-the-breath.
2. The method of counting breaths: Meditate on the number of breaths, from one to ten to one hundred, count "exhale" for real ones, and "breathe" for virtual ones.
3. Listening method: listen to your own breathing with both ears to eliminate distracting thoughts.
4. Observing breath method: Just like the observer, observe and experience your own breathing.
5. Stopping breath method: Through the practice of any of the above methods, practice for a long time to form a soft, slow, thin and long breath. The breath is as thin as a gossamer, if it exists or does not exist.
what is meditation how to meditate
"Meditation" means reflection, or thinking. In yoga, meditation is more clearly defined as a state of pure awareness. It is the seventh stage on the path of yoga, that is, the concentration of the body and mind. Meditation is the final liberation, which is the last step in Patanjali's eight-limb system.
When we are in a stable state of mind and body, we are acutely aware of our senses but detached from our emotions at the same time. Without the ability to remain detached and observe, there is no way to meditate. Even if you are able to concentrate for meditation, there is more to meditation than focusing. It eventually evolves into an expanded state of consciousness.
When we focus, we turn our attention to objects that seem to be outside of ourselves. We get acquainted with this object and make a connection. But, to enter the realm of meditation, we need to intervene with this object. We need to communicate with it. The result of this exchange, of course, is a deep awareness that there is no difference between us (as the subject) and the (object) on which we concentrate or meditate. This brings us to samadhi.

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