A Word From The Lord For Victory & A Warning

1 year ago

Word of the Lord 11/29/2022 3:20am-4:03am

For my people have been seeking man and his ways, his paths, and his wisdom. My people have not been seeking my ways or my voice. I say seek me, hear me, follow me, says the Lord. For I know the way and will lead you in my path, my ways and not mans evil ways, says the Lord. Seek me in this hour, for the time is near, the hour is here. The enemy seeks to destroy my people by deceiving my people in his ways. Do not hear the enemy or seek his ways, for there is fear in him and his ways.

My way brings peace, comfort, and victory, says the Lord. I will lead you, if you heed to my voice, says the Lord. Stop, I say Stop looking to man for a breakthrough, for a plan, for a method, for he has none and I have all, says the Lord. I will make a way and open doors for you, if you seek me and heed to my voice, says the Lord. Men are seeking men for an answer in this hour, and they have none, says the Lord. For it has never been this way and the hour is late, hurry and seek me for the answer, for it is hidden from the enemy but I will answer my people when they seek me, says the Lord .

The enemy is bringing confusion and fear to my people that do not seek me or hear my voice for they are too busy going about their daily routine. Some people are blinded, some do not hear, some refuse to hear, some do not want to see or hear my Word, my voice, or my ways, says the Lord. For some are hidden in their own ways, there self-love, seek themselves and believe their own words. I call to them, but they refuse to heed to my voice, says the Lord.

The hour is here, listen to my voice, heed to my ways, follow me, says the Lord. For I am the only way to victory and eternal life, says the Lord. For I the Lord are larger than any problem and will bring provisions for you, says the Lord. Seek me, says the Lord and not man, hear me and not man, listen to me and not man, love me and not man, for I have plans for my people in this hour and it is hidden from the enemy and that is why you need to seek me to get specific direction for you, says the Lord.

I will lead you and when you allow me to lead you, then and only then will you have victory and be in my will and not of your own or mans will, says the Lord. Hear me and hear me well, says the Lord, the enemy is bringing more deception and will deceive many that are not abiding in me, says the Lord. I the Lord am giving a warning, more deception is coming, do not fear or believe the enemy for he is a liar and the father of lies as I have said before.

The enemy is going to use anyone to bring deception that allows him, do not be deceived, I bring warnings before events and I bring victories for my people that heed to my voice and abide in me and abide in me alone and my ways, says the Lord.

Do not be deceived for I have overcome all and have victory for my people who hear my voice and my direction for there life, says the Lord. The enemy is bringing deception, I say again the enemy is bringing deception, I say again the enemy is bringing deception. Abide in me, hear me, says the Lord and I will show the deception, the enemy has planned and when it comes, my people will know.

For those that do not seek or abide in me, they will be deceived in this next hour, says the Lord. Here is a hint, the enemy hates you, despises you, has evil plans for you and he makes it seem as if he has the best interest for you, but it is a trap. The enemy will use anyone to cause deception even from the pulpit if allowed. Know my word in this hour, says the Lord. I do not take free will away, says the Lord. For if I did the Angels would have never left and been deceived.

Hear me and hear me well, no title can save you, no title can keep you, I the Lord can and will keep you if you abide in me and heed to my voice, says the Lord. I have much to say, seek me and I will tell you more, says the Lord. I Love You, I Love You, I Love You.

Read Jeremiah chapter 18, John 4:23, John 16: 12-15

After reading, pray and ask the Holy Spirit for direction and guidance.

Rey & Dora Tobar

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