Footage of foreign fighters escorting Russian Tu-95MS: Russian MoD

1 year ago

1. The Ministry of Defense showed footage of foreign fighters escorting Russian strategic missile carriers and Chinese bombers. Joint air patrols by the forces of the Russian Federation and China have recently taken place in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Russian military department noted that the aircraft of both countries acted in full accordance with the provisions of international law. *There were no violations of the airspace of third countries.*

The Russian Tu-95MS were in the air for about eight hours. They were accompanied by Su-30SM and Su-35 fighters.

*For the first time in the course of joint air patrols, Russian aircraft landed at an airfield in China and Chinese aircraft landed at an airfield in Russia.*
2. South Korea’s military said it scrambled fighter jets as two Chinese and six Russian warplanes entered its air defense zone on Wednesday.

The Chinese H-6 bombers repeatedly entered and left the Korea Air Defense Identification Zone (KADIZ) off South Korea’s southern and northeast coasts starting at around 5:50 a.m. (2050 GMT Tuesday), Seoul’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said.

They re-entered the zone hours later from the Sea of Japan, known in Korea as the East Sea, joined by the Russian warplanes, including TU-95 bombers and SU-35 fighter jets, the JCS said.
3. *Japan tells China and Russia it has ‘severe concerns’ over joint air patrol, would "decisively protect" its territories.*

Japan has told China and Russia it has "severe concerns" over their frequent joint air force activities around Japan's territory, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said on Thursday.

"We will closely monitor the increasing cooperation between the two countries with a sense of concern," Matsuno, Japan's top government spokesperson, told a regular press conference, adding that Japan would "decisively protect" its territories.
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