ARCHIVE: Indian Army General Satish Dua on The Causes Behind the China-India Border Conflict

1 year ago

FIRST AIRED: 24/06/2020. We speak to Indian Army Lieutenant General Satish Dua about the recent violent skirmishes along the Line of Actual Control between China and India in Kashmir. He discusses why he believes there is no need for foreign mediation between China and India, the history of clashes between China and India at the border, why there is still conflict despite multiple rounds of talks, whether India is becoming closer to the United States, clashes with Pakistan and allegations against the Pakistani state over terrorist financing and more!


Human rights abuses in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir have been going on for decades. Mainstream and social media have brought intense international focus on ‘crimes against humanity’ committed by Indian forces against defenceless Kashmiris. To distract the world attention, India uses bogey of terrorism to malign Pakistan and portray indigenous peaceful self-determination movement of Kashmiris as terrorism, which the world has always rejected.

There is a trove of accounts of Indian crimes against humanity, documented by international organizations such as Mass Graves (IPTK Report: Buried Evidence), Mass Blinding (Amnesty International’s Report: Losing Sight in Kashmir), Mass Rapes ( Book: Do You Remember Kunan Poshpora?), and other such record of atrocities.

There is undeniable evidence of Indian state sponsored terrorism in Pakistan and occupied Kashmir. Public statement of former US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel, and confession of Indian spy Commander Kulbhushan Jhadav, confirm Indian involvement in financing terrorism in Pakistan. India’s own senior most police officer, S.M. Mashrif’s account in ‘Who killed Karkare’ describes how Hindu terrorist outfit RSS and Indian intelligence agencies have mastered the art of staging terrorist attacks and blaming it on others.

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