The Most Powerful Industry in the World - This Will Blow Your Mind!

7 years ago

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This is a very special podcast and heres to kicking off the next 100,000 New Subs. Thank you everybody that has helped Leak Project reach over 100,000 fantastic subscribers in such a short amount of time. All of you that are here listening to this podcast, give me hope we are making a difference for the better and being the change the World Needs to see!

After doing years of extensive research into Magick, Mind Control Techniques, Hollywood, the Entertainment Industry, Religion, Fringe, etc.. After really immersing myself deep into clandestine knowledge, I feel its time to share with you invaluable information that has been suppressed from the masses for thousands of years, if not longer. This discussion gets quite deep and felt it necessary to write out what i wanted to say. Several times during this synopsis, my fingers seemed to just move and words flowed so smooth, like a majestic waterfall that lines the cliffs of the Rocky Mountains. Recently i produced a podcast laying out a hypothesis of the Nuclear Industry being an Energy Source for something much more than our houses and submarines. This presentation adds more hard to find pieces to the Galactic Puzzle.

Subliminal Programming
It's now a proven fact -
Your unconscious mind is running your life!
To add to how powerful our DNA is, 1 gram of DNA can store

Question Everything.
Be the change you want to see!

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