1st Day of Summer - The Australian Government had other ideas.

2 years ago

I can bet ALL my Bitcoins... everyone on this planet has said one or more of the following... if so read on
"That was a weird Storm"
"Where did the Storm Go"
"I thought it was supposed to be sunny for the next few days"
"Where did this all this rain come from"
"That doesnt look right"
"Never seen a cloud like that"
"I've never had such a dry / wet / cold / hot
-- then opposite / matching
summer - winter ... etc"

And that's as far as you think ???? You ... YOU !!!! yourself !!! feel something isnt right.... well maybe it's time to head to duckduckgo search or my HAARP HUNTERS channel for the term GEO-ENGINEERING ... which if you know is on the Australian Federal !! Government website...

Here's the story.... us that are actually awake... SAW the change in the clouds over the last 30 years.... then simpletons that are only keyboard warrior trolls... that have no idea about science or weather.. will say they arent spraying from clouds... when the govt admits it... so game over on that BS "defense"

Then you could
#2 google PAXVAX SPRAYED IN QLD.... hhhmmmmm

I cant lead a moron to water and make them think....
I can only give you the key to unlock your mind... It's YOUR CHOICE to open the door..

ROBBO DA YOBBO = HAARP HUNTERS... ( please support me below and $US25 in crypto for your troubles)

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ROBBO DA YOBBO - Aussie Conspiracy Comedian

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