Hemper Box Candy Monster | Not a Monstrous Value

2 years ago

Today we review our second subscription box from Hemper. The Candy Monster Box is not currently their box-of-the-month, so it's in the "theme boxes" archive going for $100 a pop, a far inflated price over their subscription rate of ~$35/monthly-box. The theme box price is not worth it, and the average out of this and the Chinese Takeout box we reviewed yesterday is just breaking even at the subscription rate.

With that said, the glass pieces are imaginative, but you really buy this for the glass only. The rest of the boxes tend to repetitious filler.

Our full text review: https://dabconnection.com/reviews/misc/hemper-box-candy-monster-not-a-monstrous-value/

Yesterday's Chinese leftovers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1rN2prb_KU

Hemper home: https://www.hemper.co/collections/past-boxes

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