Magic Mirror 400 - Now & Then

1 year ago

So the mass murders of innocent men, women and children, the collective punishment, the financial pillaging, the medical rape, the hospital murders, the nursing home murders, the widespread reckless endangerment, human scientific experimentation & trafficking en masse, and finally, but most importantly the deadly and insidious mainstream propaganda we've been bombarded with is 5th Generation War. Nice. Censorship is Withholding Evidence, Lobbying is Bribery and Men Can Have Babies. Trust the plan, if the plan is depopulation, demoralisation, and digital slavery in a terrifyingly Transhumanist Existence. Oh, and according to Klaus Schwab's body hacking advisor, Jesus is fake news! What a truly Sick Satanic Realm our children have to inherit and endure... if they actually survive the relentless experimentation and intoxication.

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