Piers Corbyn: WEF's Six Point Plan for New World Order Tyranny

2 years ago

Piers Corbyn discusses the myth and fraud of the "Climate Change" narrative and how it's the solar and lunar cycle that drives the weather. The Green Agenda emanated from the Club of Rome, was adopted by the EU, and is part of a much larger agenda. Piers can't believe how quickly they began accelerating the plan from 2020 onward. There are six legs to WEF's "New World Tyranny" (virus, climate, war, vaccines, 5G, Digital ID). The left has completely sold out and where Russia and China fit in all of this is a crucial question. Moscow and Beijing adopt aspects of the Great Reset which help them domestically to control their populations. He believes the EU was a trailblazer for the WEF where they were just testing things out. He discusses ways to resist and fight back.

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About Piers Corbyn
Piers is a very experienced campaigner, political activist and scientist whose leadership in crucial campaigns (e.g. Housing, Transport, Jobs, Student Rights, Climate Realism and defending rights against COVID-19) has achieved victories against all odds.    He was a Southwark Labour Councillor and part of London-wide regulatory bodies. He is an accomplished international scientist and runs  weatheraction.com long-range forecasters. He has lived in many parts of London for 55 years.

*Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": http://musicke-mirth.de/en/recordings.html (available on iTunes or Amazon)

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