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Crystal Project 26: Shadow and Reflection

2 years ago

Guys, we found the gimmick summons. The first one (on the left) evades all attacks for 18 actions. So... we set up to endure and used Double Cast to eat through multiple charges of it. Then, with it's 1 measly hit point, Emikis stabbed it to death. The second one is the standard reflect-o-rama boss.

For the Shadow boss, Emikis had White Magic and Lelias had Doublecast Remedy as secondaries. Muriel went Aegis over Ninja with Remedy as her secondary to help keep the Doom effect clear while also applying Defense and Resist buffs as needed. Zarron swapped back to Monk for more cleanses and a Revive and slotted Beatsmith as his secondary to keep MP up . This one took us a bit longer because I misread the buff, thinking it was it lasted 18 TURNS not 18 HITS. Embarrassing.

For the Reflect Boss, Muriel swapped over to Ninja and equipped the Brigandine to equip the Burning Sword and the Paralyze Sword. She stuck Paralyze a few times over the course of the fight, which was huge for us. Her constant DoT pressure with Poison (from an accessory), Bleeding (from Blood Spiller) and Burning (from her Sword) let us get surprisingly large amounts of damage through despite boss resists. Lelias's secondary was Item for this fight, so she mainly got a few good turns with her Summon magic (including layering Blink up for when the boss did physical attacks), while Zarron swapped to Beat Smith with Equip Dagger to use Trickery to apply interrupts, which he was able to do a few times to avoid some dangerous spells.

No levels or other stuff, but I feel like both of these bosses really show what a turn based JRPG can do.

Time Stamps
00:00 Trying to Remember Where the Shadow Summon Was
12:45 Learning the Shadow Summon Boss
1:44:50 Beating Shadows
1:59:07 Going to the Reflection Summon Boss
2:02:33 Learning the Reflection Summon Boss
2:34:50 Beating Reflections
2:51:50 Deciding Where to Go Next!
Muriel: 17 Warrior; 9 Fencer; 8 Aegis; 5 Monk; 5 Ninja; 4 Valkyrie; 3 Samurai; 1 Beatsmith
Mastered Classes: Warrior, Fencer, Aegis, Ninja, Samurai, Valkyrie

Emikis: 16 Warlock; 8 Cleric; 8 Shaman; 5 Dervish; 5 Aegis; 3 Warrior; 3 Nomad; 1 Wizard; 1 Scholar; 1 Chemist 1 Monk
Mastered Classes: Cleric, Warlock, Shaman, Nomad, Dervish, Aegis

Zarron: 18 Monk; 9 Rogue; 8 Hunter; 5 Beatsmith; 4 Ninja; 3 Assassin; 2 Warrior; 3 Reaper
Mastered Classes: Monk, Rogue, Hunter, Beatsmith, Assassin, Ninja

Levels: 17 Wizard; 11 Shaman; 8 Warlock; 8 Scholar; 6 Dervish; 1 Reaper; 1 Summoner
Masterd Classes: Wizard, Warlock, Shaman, Dervish, Chemist


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