business owners: time is worth more than your money. #business #academic #businessadvice #shorts

1 year ago

Money is put on a pedestal…

**In a world where money is put on a pedestal, we forget that time is out greatest asset.**

As business owners, we cannot achieve growth by obsessing over every inch of every part of our business.

Our time and energy are limited. I know a lot of business owners are smart in the way that they spend their money, however, they lack time literacy. They lack knowledge of energy expenditure. The people who understand real time and energy management, are those who achieve great wealth. These people are wealthy because they have time, energy and wealth management under control

We all have the same 24 hours in the day. What separates the true wealthy people is that they understand leverage. Thus leverage is what allows them to achieve more than others with the same hours in the day. This leverage comes from automating and delegating tasks that are not worthy of consuming their finite energy.

Thank you for watching and take care.

## G.R.I.T | This is your path to strength and courage.

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