My Jun Scoby (Kombucha - Video Short)

2 years ago

All natural "Jun" Kombucha, a healthy , homemade probiotic drink, which promotes gut health, and more...

For more information (recommended 📚 reading):

"Kombucha: Healthy Beverage and Natural Remedy from the Far East, Its Correct Preparation and Use" by author : Gunther W. Frank

"The Big Book of Kombucha: Brewing, Flavoring, and Enjoying the Health Benefits of Fermented Tea" by authors: Hannah Crum & Alex LaGory

"Kombucha Rediscovered! - A Guide to the Medicinal Benefits of an Ancient Healing Tea" by author : Klaus Kaufman

Click on the following link ,

for a good comparison of Jun Booch (consumes honey / made with "green tea leaves") versus regular Kombucha (which consumes sugar and is made with "black tea" ). 😉

My apologies for the simpleton low tech mini video. Wanted to share an image of my healthy "Jun Mother". 😃

Eventually I hope to make higher quality videos once again, with something other than a cheap cell phone. ha ha

Of course, that will have to wait for now, as it's at the bottom of our family priority list.

Take care and here is to our health ♥️🙏

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