Cycling The Camino de Santiago

2 years ago

The most spontaneous trip of my life. I boxed my bike up and got a one-way flight to Biarritz, solo, not quite knowing what the experience would be like cycling instead of walking.

The Camino de Santiago:
is a famous pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Today, the routes leading to the Cathedral attract thousands of people from all over the world, for reasons beyond just religious purposes.

The Route: (most well-known landmarks).
St Jean Pied du Port | Roncesvalles | Pamplona | Estella | Los Arcos | Logrono | De La Calzada | Burgos | Vilabilla | Carrion de los Condes | Leon. | Astorga | O Cebreiro | Triacastela | Sarria | Portimarin | Arzua | Santiago de Compostella | Fisterra.

It was an incredible experience, certainly different and challenging at times. I met amazing people, who gave incredible acts of kindness, helping and advising me on my journey. I have many stories to tell and won't forget these people who had a profound impact on my outlook on life.

Please do message me if you have any questions regarding the route or are thinking of adventuring the Camino Way - walking or on the bike.

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