Tesstamona - Alien Tumbleweed

2 years ago

This is for all the square pegs who don’t fit in the round hole, the outcasts, the rebels, the freedom squad, the free thinkers, the matrix-exiting, truth seeking, solution focused, gritty motherfuckers that I call kindred spirits.

This is a bat signal to let yall know, though we may be scattered across the globe, you are NOT a fringe minority, and you are NOT alone! Just like the blue pill folk, we are gathered in pockets around the world. Find us, if you’re in the USA, there are many of us in the Southeast, especially Tennessee and Texas ♥️ Go to FreedomCells.Org to see who is in your area 😉 WITH THAT SAID…

THIS SONG IS DEDICATED TO CHELSEA LAWS. My dearest friend. This song was written after her and I had a conversation, both exhausted from years of instability with income, jobs, housing, typical matrix fuckshit since “The big C” in 2020, tired of fake people, tired of having Pharmaceutical experiments shoved down our throat (which we always resisted and stood strong in that, but there is a cost to doing so when you live where we lived lol. We still paid it gladly, but I digress.)

We were texting about our situations, I’m out here in Tennessee building a new life and community, she’s back in my/our home state, hopefully we will reunite again soon, so I told her “soon one day we would will be, together in a place thats fuckshit free” and you’ll recognize that lyric once that chorus hits… thats how the song was born.

It is a bat signal to everyone I know who has reached out to me struggling, feeling alone, seeing the writings on the wall but surrounded by fluoride blank stares when they speak on it, to let yall know you are NOT alone and we can do this together! Enjoy this summer jam, beat produced by Luka Burr, Mixed & Mastered by Cris Cordero, and written, recorded and sung by yours truly! This song is available on all streaming platforms and I greatly appreciate your support.

This song was produced by @luka burr and Mixed/Mastered by Cris Cordero AKA Saw Tooth Wave ♥️
Find Them:
https://www.lukaburr.com and https://www.instagram.com/luka_burr
https://www.sawtoothwave.com and https://www.instagram.com/saw_tooth_wave

If you would like to purchase this track, head over to my bandcamp page and you can download the file! Https://tesstamona.bandcamp.com

New Merch! Https://www.tesstamona.com/shop

Links to all music, socials, telegram, podcasts, etc - https://linktr.ee/tesstamona

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Get the intel from two days worth of speakers from the Self Reliance Festival here! You’ll wanna be caught up, because the next SRF is happening in October! Although we will be having different speakers / content this round, so get in the know here: https://livefree.academy/sp/self-reliance-festival-private-recordings-june-2022/?ref=106 This festival and the connections made and information received CHANGED MY FKNG LIFE and the ripple effects continue. I hope you have the same experience, and I hope to see you at the next one! 👽

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