Feeling Not Good Enough? || Understanding the Need for Approval and Validation (Dr. Shefali)

1 year ago

#DrShefali #FeelingNotGoodEnough #ShayoliHope #needforapproval

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Ralph Waldo Emerson poem "Self-Reliance"--follow your intuition!

Dr. Shefali Tsabury--from her book A Radical Awakening

00:00 Welcome
Women's life coaching: How to do self care

01:34 A Radical Awakening
Self-acceptance: So many women are lost. We've been conditioned to be the "good girl." Enough of that. Be yourself! Your authentic self is beautiful.

03:33 How "Lostness" Shows Up:
(How many of the following are you aware of in yourself?)

Fear in expressing your voice
Inability to create healthy boundaries
Apathy and withdrawal
Irritable and impatient outbursts
Lack of sexual desire
Giving up on your goals
Lack of self-care
Aimless busyness
Overwhelm and feeling torn
Confusion and ambivalence
Procrastination and self-sabotage
Insecurity and self-doubt
Ceaseless worry and anxiety
Addiction to food and substances

07:47 3 Valuable "Drugs" women seek for self-worth:
- Approval
- Validation
- Praise

We sell our authentic selves out to get these!

How to practice self-love: Give YOURSELF approval, validation, and praise. You don't NEED it from others; it's just a nice added bonus.

We are trained to exist "only in context." We see our own worth from the perspective of the value we provide to others and how compliant we are. This is nonsense!

09:19 Women's Emotional Template
(How we were conditioned to show up in the world)
- Compliance
- Service to others
- Excellence (if raised to be a trophy child)

Enough of that. For healthy emotions, just be you!

11:31 Ralph Waldo Emerson poem

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