Get More Focused With MAGIC MIND?

2 years ago

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Magic Mind contains a magical combination of 12 active ingredients, scientifically designed to improve energy, improve focus, decrease stress, and improve mood — all things that combined, improve your productivity.

Read more about the science behind each ingredient at — You can also read about the science and safety of our ingredients in our Amazon bestselling book “Beyond Coffee: A Sustainable Guide to Nootropics, Adaptogens, and Mushrooms”

Magic Mind uses ingredients and dosages that are safe and effective, utilizing the mood-boosting power of things like turmeric, long-lasting energy effects of matcha green tea, and other ingredients that you can read more about here:

Do more.
Stress less.

The Story
After a trip to the E.R. nearly a decade ago, I was diagnosed with a heart condition, and my doctor told me about the two major culprits: too much stress and too much caffeine (and that they were related).

Magic Mind Principles
At Magic Mind, we don't have "pillars" or "values" that are meant to help us win when it comes to business. We have Principles — our ideals that we aim to live by, inside and outside of work, and these have nothing to do with "winning" (and others losing):

I was running a company of about 50 employees, and he told me that I needed to limit my caffeine intake to one coffee per day. He mentioned green tea, saying that it has an amino acid called L-Theanine that will extend the absorption of caffeine and “give you calmness while keeping you alert.”

It had never occurred to me that adding ingredients to caffeine would improve its effectiveness and decrease stress… It’s been a wild journey since, and 7 years of research into the space of nootropics, adaptogens, and nutritional mushrooms (and 55+ iterations) later, I’m now sharing this little morning concoction with you. Scientifically designed to support focus, calmness, energy, and productivity, Magic Mind is your new favorite morning ritual.

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