Narcos Live Alliance Training, Stormshot #2, 11/30/22

1 year ago

This video is the 2nd live training done for the Narcos Alliance in Kingdom 10015, for the Stormshot game as offered by JoshuaS17 with some assistance by Swatboss. This training focused on three key areas of the game which are discussed and shown by Joshua, sharing his computer screen in the video of the game. The video lasts for a little bit under an hour.

What subjects are covered: 1) We spoke about Gems - how you collected the crystal substances and scrolls to make them and how this is done within the Factory building. Then once you have gathered the materials needed how you create a gem and attach it to a piece of your equipment or armor. Each gems adds an extra boost to help you with attack, defense and health and are ordered by R #s.

2nd - we spoke about setting up multiple marches with your troops and why this will help you growth faster and build if you use the marches simultaneously. Within the building call drill grounds you have the ability to setup 7 march formations - Joshua discussed with the 3 marches he has, having to offensive or attack formations using his best troops and guards with the best also using the airship and one march formation constantly for farming using lower level troops and your cannon (or artillery).

3) How to setup a farm or multiple accounts. This is done via the settings and account functions within your estate profile - there are two ways to setup a farm (the key is always to bind your Stormshot account to either a gmail/facebook/twitter account or to one email that handles all stormshot estates or characters via a funplus acct.). First you go to the account function and create a new game and once you have control of the game you go back to the account function and bind this new estate (either to the gmail/fb/twitter account or add it to your funplus account). In this video we show how the first option works and what it looks like to switch between estates. The second option with funplus you can view on a special video done by Swatboss at:

To participate in the live training or two speak with Joshua and the other teachers, please contact Joshua on discord at SirJosh#8766 and we will get you added as a student. In the Narcos Alliance channel on discord you can: a) see Josh's tips in the sub-channel, "teach-us-josh"; b) speak live to Joshua in his sub-channel: "josh's-classroom" and the living training is in the sub-channel: "Training and Coaching".

Thank you - JoshuaS17, R3 - Narcos Alliance

Note: All Narcos Training videos can be found on the Stormshot Narcos video channel at:

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