🔴 LIVE - Is Ukraine Winning?

2 years ago

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----- At 6pm EST Funker News Network Host @RonnieFit discusses:
- #Winning
- #Ukraine Footage
- #Coffee
- #Russia footage

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Top UA Discussion:
Let's talk about ground. Dirt. What do Russia, Ukraine, and Denmark have in common?
Campaign map - https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/36a7f6a6f5a9448496de641cf64bd375
Question - Who's Winning?
Well, by all accounts thus far from a casualties perspective, Ukraine.
As a technicality, by ground taken, Ukraine as well
- Since Russia's "Operational Pause" on July 16th, Ukraine has lost 450km2
- Since March 21st, Ukraine has TAKEN 45,000km2 of ground from Russia - Size of DENMARK
Things look bleak/bad, though
Short-action Ukraine has been very successful, can't hold out against the wave

In other UA News:
Russia states that Russian troops will "Slow Down the pace of offensive operations in Ukraine"
- Claimed that it was to purposefully limit Civilian casualties
- It's more likely to explain and excuse the negligent gains, likely caused by behind-lines pressure of Ukraine
- Offensive operations in the east are culminating, meaning they're at their peak from an effectiveness perspective
What does culminating mean? - Article from the Naval War Collecharge titled Operational Overreach and the Culmination Point: https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA519538.pdf

characterizes it as "a point reached by attackers or defenders in terms of time and space after which stated objectives can't be accomplished, and continued efforts to reach them would significantly heighten the risk of failure or defeat"

Footage Section 1 (Ukraine Footage):

UA Perspective:
You guys familiar with the Razr? Well, we have Razr at home: https://funker530.com/video/ukrainians-mount-missile-launcher-to-dune-buggy/

Ukrainian Buk-M1 air defence taking down an unspecified Russian drone: https://funker530.com/video/ukrainian-air-defense-shoots-down-russian-aircraft/
- Lost so many Iran is now going to be providing (or has) hundreds

Ukrainian compilation of the 9K338 Igla-S (SA-24) MANPADS in-action:

Russian dispersion somewhat on display:
- https://funker530.com/video/russian-troops-dont-understand-force-dispersal/
- https://funker530.com/video/russians-learn-about-the-importance-of-dispersion

Russia Perspective Footage:
Russian TV-guided cruise missile attacks (Kh-59 Ovod): https://funker530.com/video/russian-tv-guided-cruise-missile-strike-compilation/
- Kh-59 is a 200km-range tv-guided cruise missile

Russians destroying a US-delivered M777 howitzer: https://funker530.com/video/russians-destroy-us-delivered-m777-howitzer-in-ukraine/

Wagner pointing in a general direction while geolocating themselves: https://funker530.com/video/wagner-mercenaries-shoot-kornet-and-point-in-a-general-direction

Footage Section 2: Non-Ukraine and Trending

Wild ride from August 10th, 2022 in Sacramento: https://funker530.com/video/nsfw-hostage-rescue-team-stops-man-holding-family-hostage-with-samurai-sword/
- Sacramento's HRT was forced to shoot a man wielding a large samurai sword
- Suspect name Isaiah Gardner

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