Heaven Land Devotions - The Thick Darkness And Voice of God

2 years ago

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Yesterday I was reading in Exodus when Moses had received the 10 commandments. After receiving them, there was "thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking."

When the people saw it they stood afar off and told Moses they did not want to hear the voice of God anymore. Moses gave a few words to them then,"Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where God was."

That really grabbed my heart. I saw a man standing alone, yet he still went into the thick darkness where God was. And God spoke to Him there. What a picture.

How many today are standing afar off not wanting to hear the voice of the Lord, but only want someone else to tell them what God said. They only want those that draw near unto the thick darkness where God is, to tell them second hand what He said.

Many want to walk in the ways of God, and know His thoughts. They want the higher ways and thoughts of God, but will not go alone to Him. They never hear Him.

Have courage to stand alone like Moses. Go to the Lord in His word, and do whatever He says in it. Take every word and walk by it, listen to His voice in the Bible speaking to you. Pray to Him always, until His thoughts become your thoughts, and His ways become your ways.

The people stood afar off from the mountain for the rest of their lives, but Moses went on to hear His voice until the very day he died. It all has to do with your heart of love towards Jesus Christ. You can stand afar off from Him, or draw near to Him where you can hear His voice.

“The life of faith is not a life of mounting up with wings, but a life of walking and not fainting.” ~Oswald Chambers

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