Stable Identity

2 years ago

Good is bad and bad is good= God Is Bad – Evil Is Good. Isn’t that the recipe of this age of confusion?! This cultural trend is continuing to get stronger, this cancel God current is flowing throughout our land. These off the wall cultural tides are strong, and you can easily get swept up in them, caught up in their deplorable behavioral patterns where you serve no power higher than self gratification and act out in horrific ways against each other. Do you know who has suffered the most in these cra-cra times? Children! Do you think God does not notice? He does. Judgement will come. The best way to live in times such as these, is by putting your identity in Christ. Jesus Christ created us, male and female, and He equipped us with everything we need to be special and unique in character, talent, and personality. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Jesus is our now, and our future, our identity is in Him, from here to there unto forever.

Our identity in God does not modify with the winds of the culture. The world is dramatically changing, rapidly, in a downward spiral of the human condition, and there is so much upheaval in every single nation. Evil people are in the middle of trying to do a reset, so control of our lives will go to a few corrupted leaders, and our freedom will be lost. In this transitional time, everything is shaking, there is no security except in Christ Jesus. The Kingdom of God is a firm foundation, and will not be shaken by the foolishness of illegitimate human authority. God is the only Supremacy that will last throughout all time, and He is the only One Who can handle supremacy without corrupting it.

There is an endgame and God Wins it. This topsy-turvey world, with the fake façade which has the appearance that evil is winning, is a tough challenge for us to navigate. We need to walk by faith, not by sight. Therefore, we put our identity wholly-holy in Christ, we become stable and stand firmly in the Truth of Jesus Christ, as our way and life. This is a stable foundation, so we don’t have to emulate the trends of the corrupted culture, or be wishy washy people, as we try to follow the constant change of the cancel God current.

Even if standing strong in the truth of what we know in Christ Jesus, the world still cancels us, it won’t matter, it changes nothing of importance, and our joy remains full, because our future is not rocked by the foolishness of the fools in this world, our future and day by day provision, is secure in Jesus Christ. All God wants for us is to know Him, to walk with Him heart to heart, in His truth, making it personal with Him, staying in a vital-vertical relationship with Him. We can have a constant conversation with God as He navigates us through these difficult days by the power of His Holy Spirit. God is never not available for us, He is with us, loyal, faithful and trustworthy.

“My church, My true love, will your devotion endure until the end? Bride, will you choose to let go of your preconceived plans and your personal agendas and find the newness of My presence, My love, and My truth in every situation you encounter? My heart’s desire is that you discover how intimately I love you, and you learn to love Me with an undivided, personal fidelity” Jesus Quote From “The Bridegroom’s Voice”
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