A nice friendly walk and talk

2 years ago

This is a brief overview of where we've got to up to noe, in so far as our research of the System and the links between the Brexit referendum and why they felt they had no choice but to fake the pandemic?

For a bit of hope and to make you smile, in these admittedly dark times, is like to share with you this analogy, before we get to the links:

Think of those behind the curtain, pulling all the strings; like a flasher that's been hiding behind a bush for years.
Some of us have already seen him and were suspicious of what he was doing there, so have watched him for all these years, as everyone else walked by.
But now he's taken his chance jumped out: Mac open and todger swinging in the wind.
Now... some people are averting their eyes, trying to ignore the fact he's there and are continuing to walk by?
Some though, see him and are pointing and laughing as they're unable process what's happening, so aren't sure how to properly react!
Whilst some of us however, could see him for the pervy weirdo he is, all along and are immediately beating him down.
We're at the stage in the game now, where those who were pointing and laughing are realising what's happened and are now helping us beat him down.
But very soon, the time will come when even those that have averted their gaze won't be able to ignore him any longer and will have to join in the fray!
That day is coming far sooner and far quicker than ever before
And that's why the elites will fail!

Links to videos mentioned:

Deutsche Bank and their decade long crisis (part 1)


Deutsche Bank and their decade long crisis (part 2)


Gina Miller and her ties to the Mays


Documents (links to samfisherdatadrops Telegram page)


Highly recommended Telegram pages

Sam Fisher Data Drops Telegram channel:


ULM (Unvaccinated Lives Matter Telegram group page


No New Normal Chat


M Seeker of Truth Telegram:


Link to my latest book, 'The Legion Saga: Prologue', on my publisher's website:


Direct link to purchase my other book:12 steps to disaster Gematria, Canaries and predictive programing :


Links to my channels

I now have a Telegram channel:


TMSSP Soundcloud link:


TMSSP YouTube channel:


Sam Fisher YouTube channel:


Twomenstandingstillproductions BitChute channel link:


Sam Fisher BitChute channel link:


Sam Fisher Odysee channel link:


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