Dr. Alex reveals how stress has a HUGE impact on our hormones (E264)

1 year ago

The last few days have been a little rough, as you can probably tell from my voice, I’ve been sick, but I also haven’t been sleeping well even before I got sick. Really, I can’t remember when the last time was that I slept for 8 hours and woke up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

I’ve had my hormone levels tested and they came back “normal” but I know, something is off and for me, I have to dig down and get to the bottom of things. Ultimately, I think that we all need to be our own health advocates and not rely 100% on our doctors.

I am so glad that I was able to connect with today’s guest, Dr. Alexandra Swenson-Ridley, a Health and Hormone Expert for Busy, Driven Women. In this episode we chat about:

The connection between stress, hormones, and gut health
How stress impacts us
Something that affects many women, Selfless Syndrome

Connect with Dr. Alex at www.emergentwomencoaching.com

To grab your copy of Your Journaling Journey search for it on Amazon or with these links:

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