ExPat & Digital Nomad Foreign Earned Income Exclusion for Americans Abroad | Vlog 23 November 2022

1 year ago

Americans living abroad may qualify for the IRS' FEIE or Foreign Earned Income Exclusion that can mean a LOT of additional money in your pockets if this fits your lifestyle. The IRS rule isn't that complex, but it is not well known at all and many people, including accountants, are not familiar with the rules and will give bad advice. I made many shorts about this recently, but this is such an important topic and there is so much misinformation and so many myths that people tend to reinforce I decided that I would take the IRS pages on this and read them for you and link them below on today's video. If you know any Americans thinking about being digital nomads, retiring abroad, moving to a new country, etc. send this to them as it might completely change their financial outlook.


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