Remove starch from rice using an ayurvedic cooking technique? Distarch rice?

1 year ago

Rice is rich in starch and sugar are usually low in protein, which when cooked at high temperature create a toxic substance, acrylamide, which hampers brain health. High starch content also increases sugar levels that may lead to the potential development of diabetes, obesity and other health hazards. While some carbohydrates are used by the body, the unused ones are stored as fat. Therefore, it is imperative to de-starch these foods so that you can consume these foods without having to think of any repercussions.
But little amount of healthy nutrients is lost by washing the cooked rice. So, it is advised us to compensate the lost nutrients with healthy veggies and lean proteins.

ProcessesExperts recommend drinking rice water to soothe digestive ailments such as food poisoning, diarrhoea and even indigestion. Consultant Nutritionist says, "Kanji is a traditional drink which has been around forever. Children are constantly being given Kanji water when they are unwell when suffering from diarrhoea." "Rice water contains an abundance of vitamins and minerals and prebiotics essential for our gut health,"

. If it was that easy we could just wash all the high calorie food and enjoy them guilt-free. But I strongly believe in portion control, one can eat anything he/she wants, as long as you eat it in moderation. This process reduces the starch by almost half but doesn’t remove it completely.

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