EP-029 Abundance Through Permaculture with Jim Gale

2 years ago

Today we have a fantastic guest on who's going to be telling us about alternative lifestyle an interesting, innovative, futuristic lifestyle. His name is Jim Gale. And Jim comes to us from all over the world. He's done some backpacking all over the world. He's been on boats around the world, he started and built a billion dollar mortgage company. I mean, this guy has got credentials like you wouldn't believe. But right now he is the chief storyteller of food, forest abundance. And he basically is here to tell us his story.  I have a feeling that you guys may resonate with it too. So sit back, grab a coffee, and listen to our guest.

Jim's website:  https://foodforestabundance.com/

Mark's mastermind:  https://cashflowmachine.io/

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