
1 year ago

COMPROMISE is a settlement of difference by a sacrifice of principles; yielding up what you know is right, and allowing things which you know are wrong.

God called the children of Israel out of Egypt. Egypt – represents the world, and Pharaoh – represents satan. Let my people go!

God sent Moses to Pharaoh, to say: Exodus 3:18 ...let us go... three days' journey into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the LORD our God.

It wasn’t for Moses to choose what to say. It was God’s Word. It required 100% obedience. There is no room for compromise.

Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said: Exodus 5:1 Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, , that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness. Pharaoh tried over and over again to get God’s people to compromise.

Here’s the first compromise. It shows how COMPROMISING CHRISTIANITY is...
Exodus 8:25 Go ye, sacrifice to your God in the land. Stay carnal. Remain in the world.

So, “Go ahead, and believe in God - but don’t leave the world.” Some would say, you can be a worldly Christian, and still serve the Lord. Stay in the world – Egypt – Don’t separate from the Egyptians.

But Moses wouldn’t budge. God’s will was that Israel leave Egypt to go worship. “In the land” there would be no temple, no priesthood, no altar, and no sacrifice of lambs to the Lord. Israel would stay slaves to Pharaoh, and ungodly Egypt.

Satan is not against religion. He encourages people to be religious, broad minded, and tolerant of other religions. Yet we are called to live a separated life: 2 Corinthians 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate…

When we look like the world, act like the world, and talk like the world, we can't be effective in our witness. God’s people must separate from the world – from sinful culture and its control. God’s people are called out. He tells us to come out.

There can be no compromise – no fellowship with evil. Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Leave the world behind.

We see another compromise: …Pharaoh said, I will let you go, that ye may sacrifice to the LORD your God in the wilderness; only ye shall not go very far away…

It's lukewarmness. Be comfortable with the world. It’s commitment free – stay in the “comfort zone”. Some are “Worldly Christians” - friends of the world. And a friend of the world is an enemy of God - James 4:4.

The devil would say: Don’t go too far. Don’t go overboard. Some fix their eyes on Egypt, instead of Canaan. Like Lot. He pitched his tent close to Sodom. Lot chose what pleased himself. He wasn’t motivated by pleasing the Lord.

It’s as if Pharaoh is saying, stay close so you are still under my reach and control. Some will follow God, but they don’t go too far away from the world. The devil would say, you can still enjoy the idols of the world and its vain pleasures and entertainment. Some live like the world, with immorality, worldly appetites, and a take-it-easy Christianity.

It’s a casual, partial commitment. The enemy wants you to be careless about others – about your family, and fellowship. Exodus 10:11 …go now ye that are men, and serve the LORD… He says, “Just the men”. NOT all of God’s people.

The men could go, BUT they were to leave their little ones. Pharaoh wanted their wives and children to stay behind in Egypt, with its idols.

The devil doesn’t want us to “bring” our children “up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” - Eph. 6:4. Satan says: Be a Christian, Go serve your God, but leave the children in the world.

Don’t leave your family behind! God says: Prov. 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go… Be like Joshua… Joshua 24:15 …choose you this day whom ye will serve… as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

God wanted total deliverance, for everyone – male, female, old and young – the whole family.

In v. 24, Pharaoh says: Okay, you can go, but “not your flocks or herds”. In other words, go, but you’re not going to be sacrificing to your God. Go, but without the ability to serve the Lord.

Pharaoh said, “Go, and serve the LORD, only leave your stuff here.” Leave your heart here, in the world. The devil would have us to settle for a weak, cheap kind of faith.

Rather, let’s be willing to sacrifice –all that we are, and all that we have.

Moses made no compromise. He said, “We’re leaving to worship God and we’re taking everything with us!” Let’s also say: “All my relationships and everything I yield to God.”

Entrust yourself to God. Let the Lord have all of you - all you have – your wives, your children, your possessions.

God brought His people out of Egypt. He set them free, out of the house of bondage. How? By the blood of the lamb.

Moses refused to compromise. We must avoid spiritual compromise. Stand with courage and conviction.

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