22LR & 17's bullet drop - Demonstrated and explained!

2 years ago

22LR & 17's bullet drop - Demonstrated and explained!

in this video we test and show the difference in bullet drop between the popular 22LR, 17 mach 2, and 17hmr. with the 22lr being the most popular cartridge of all time I was curious to do an experiment on a hyper sonic 22lr the Cci Stinger as well as a subsonic 22lr the res target rifle. why stop there I happen to have a couple more rimfire calibers we could also compare to see what the new fast small 17's can do. in this experiment I chose the 17 mach 2 which is a stinger case necked down to .17 caliber. then its the mach 2's big brothers turn the 17 HMR! stick around and follow me as we test the bullet drop of these cartridges at 270 yards.

the way I will do this is both 22's my cz457 lrp and marlin xt 22 will be zeroed at 50 yards which is pretty much the standard for the 22LR cartridge. Both 17's will be zeroed at 100 yards which is the standard for the little 17's.


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