Suppressed Tesla Tech & Cold Fusion Alchemy They Don’t Want You To Know About, Bob Gilpatrick

4 years ago

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Bob Gilpatrick is the President and Co-Founder of Boomers Forever Young, an Anti-Aging and Nutrition Company. Bob has 20 years of experience as a Holistic Health Therapist and is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Heart Centered Therapist. Bob assists people with advanced nutritional products, technology & supplementation.

Bob is known for explaining in a simple way aspects of aging that are rarely discussed. Providing information on revolutionary new products that provide profound results.

Nikola Tesla, Famous Quote The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.

Science is another form of religion and religion another form of science, the two are very similar to the Fundamentalist, however when you look at Science as a tool and not the absolute, using observation as the counterpart to science and intuition, you then open up an entire new Universe of Opportunities

Today we will be looking at technologies that use frequencies and electrical impulses that can help people with certain :opportunities they might be working with. Bob has worked with Inventors, Doctors, Scientists and Health Experts for Decades, as co founder of boomer boost he’s helped thousands of people of almost all ages improve their quality of life.

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