First Things First

1 year ago

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Don’t be worried by daily cares. Entrust yourself to Him.

What’s important for you in your life? What do you count as first? Number One? How do you show it? You show what’s important for you by how you spend your time - how you live your life.

Is submitting to His Lordship something you consider first in decisions you make for your life?

Lots of things can compete for your priority: people, possessions, power, prestige, pleasure, and other desires… God has said in Exodus 20:3 the very first commandment “Thou shall have no other gods before me.”

We show what matters most to us by our actions… When it comes to finding time for God… Are we willing to put ourselves out and trust God? Do we obey Him rather than our selfish will? How about our commitment to meeting with God’s people?
What is more important, my own comfort, convenience, or my obedience to the Lord? Am I willing to trust God, and put Him first?

If you neglect your soul you miss what is most important of all in life. How is our devotion to God?
Is He first, or maybe a close second, third? Behind some other good, some other commitment, some other interest?

Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Imagine you have an invitation to attend a palace to see a King? To have an audience with His Royal majesty Himself! Not just that… but to be invited to have that as your home forever! This is a real invitation…

Will you seek His kingdom first? Seek this King?

So - what of THIS KINGDOM? What is it? And WHY is it important to SEEK IT FIRST?
And how?

To become a citizen of this kingdom there are certain…

To gain admission to this kingdom you must first bow to the King. Think of the majesty and supremacy of our Lord. The King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords.

You need to bow to His authority. Come under His command. And allow Him to reign as King in your heart now. Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts... Let Him rule – let Him govern… Surrender to His Lordship.
Citizenship in heaven needs to be applied for.
This King is perfect - and His government is true and just. The question is… Is He your King?

If He truly is, then our King and our Kingdom are due our first and absolute allegiance. Being a part of the Kingdom of God means requirements. It means being subject to the rule of a new King.

For Him to rule, the current ruler of your world – of your life - needs to be deposed, dethroned…

There is a ruler of this world. A prince of this world. He wants to receive your service and affection. He wants to steal God’s rightful place. You must deny the devil. Deny self. Let Christ reign over the throne of your heart.

This is the kingdom that will not fail - the kingdom of God…

This kingdom has requirements. There are also:

Once you become a member of this kingdom you enjoy certain rights or privileges.

You can approach the king as His subject. You can receive His infinite pardon. You can receive His fair and loving rule.

You can meet personally with the Sovereign ruler of the universe and gain a hearing at His throne. Our Sovereign stoops to hear your voice, your very heart’s cry.

When you become a child of the King you become a heavenly people, with a heavenly destiny, a heavenly father.

The One Who extends His offer of Life everlasting… is One you can know… You have the right to be God’s own children…

You have the right to claim a crown. 2 Tim 4:8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness…

As well as REQUIREMENTS, and RIGHTS this Kingdom also brings…

As a subject under His reign you have the blessing of serving the King and doing your duty for Him.

Do you walk worthy of the King? 1 Thess 2:12 That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory.

Beware of rival kings who will vie for your love and loyalties.

Do you walk here below – in your life on earth – as would line up with one who will ultimately walk the streets of heaven?

Where is your heart? God’s rightful position in our lives is FIRST.

Do I place my own pleasure before Him? My comfort?

How can I please God?

The king is due our highest praise.
Will you bow to Him?

Give God His rightful place The first place.

God deserves no less than our best and first.

The “Royal Visit” is not far away. The King of Glory is returning to reclaim planet earth any day now.

The kingdom of God - and advancing it - must be our chief and foremost concern – our utmost priority.

Seek His righteousness… The righteousness of God tells of all that God is, all that He commands, all that He demands, all that He approves, all that He provides through faith in Christ.

Determine to be Kingdom-minded. Seek the things of God first.

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