Perfect First Impression

1 year ago

Are there any tried and true methods to just make sure that you make
the perfect first impression?

Yes. When you're talking to someone, don't look away. And actually, I have a whole lot to do before I even talk to someone. I think that making eye contact I'm not gonna do a handshake now, making proper eye contact.
Face people with a smile. That openness. Keep your hands in front of you. Don't hide your hands because people will think you have something to hide.
Don't put your hands on your hip. Don't tell off-color jokes, and don't use foul language. Those are all the do-nots. I remember making a friend because I went to someone who was sitting alone and I saw that she was sitting alone,
and I just walked over to her. And I just said, I hope I'm not intruding, but you're sitting alone. Are you waiting for someone? Or may I join you? And she said, oh, no. This is my first time. I just don't know how to meet people. I started laughing as though, you'd come to the perfect person. I'm going to after I get to know you a little, I'm going to take you around and introduce you to some people, that I think you might like to know. When I go to an event,
I pretend I'm the host. I can get away with anything from the host that's what the host and the hostess do. It's really important. That also puts you in the
authoritative position, so to speak, so that people are going to remember you.

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