11.29.22 - ENDTIMES CHAT with GJ and DAN - The LAMB

1 year ago


His centrality - in the middle of the seven lampstands (churches)
His condition - as if it had been slain
His Characteristics - "Having seven horns and seven eyes”

“Horns” are symbols of authority and power, sometimes representing individual rulers and at other times representing nations (Daniel 7). It is possible that the seven horns represent the fullness of the slain Lamb’s power and authority to rule and reign.
The “seven eyes” of the Lamb of God are said to be “the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth.” These “seven Spirits” were mentioned in Revelation 3:1. They were compared with “seven stars,” which represent angels (Revelation 1:20). It seems that these “seven Spirits” are the seven angels who often appear in the book and carry out the wishes of Jesus Christ.
According to Zechariah 4:10, the “seven eyes” represent the Lord’s knowledge of what transpires on earth:
“Who despises the day of small things?
Men will rejoice when they see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel.
(These seven are the eyes of the Lord which range throughout the earth.)”
Nothing happens on earth that is not known by the Lord. He sees it all and is controlling all events and circumstances. His sovereign will is being executed through the seven angels who stand before Him, ready to do what He wants. They are the instruments through whom His message to the seven churches was given, and they are the ones who blow the trumpets and pour out the plagues, announcing His judgments upon planet earth.
John simply declares: “He came and took the scroll from the right hand of Him who sat on the throne” (Revelation 5:7). In great symbolism, we are reminded that the kingdom of the Messiah is given to Him by the heavenly Father. The Son is to be honored and worshiped as the Father, and that comes with the Father’s approval and blessing.
The Song to the Lamb (Revelation 5:8-14)
John speaks of Jesus Christ in this book with many wonderful titles given to him by Jesus Himself. But the key title is the one John uses twenty-eight times: “Lamb.” Jesus is the Lamb of God!
The Reaction to the Taking of the Scroll (Revelation 5:8-10)
Two things happened immediately-the four living creatures, and the twenty-four elders “fell down before the Lamb,” and “they sang a new song.” The first was an act of humility and submission; the second an act of praise and worship.
They reacted with submission, recognizing His sovereignty. What a picture - bowing down in front of a lamb! This all happened when He took the scroll out of the right hand of the One Who sat on the throne, the heavenly Father. At that moment, the worship leaders of heaven knew what to do, and as we learned earlier, whenever the four living creatures respond in worship, the twenty-four elders do the same.
The harps these elders played were a part of that worship response, reflecting the traditional instrument of worship from the Old Testament (Psalm 33:2-3; Psalm 98:5; Psalm 147:7). It is with some amusement that people speak of harps being played by heavenly beings. However, the Bible speaks of it as reality, not fantasy. Since the twenty-four elders represent the completed body of believers, we call “the church,” perhaps we shall all be harpists in heaven!
We are told the elders also have “golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints” (cf. Revelation 8:3-4). The altar of incense in front of the second veil of the tabernacle and temple was the place where the priest symbolized his role in representing the people to God (Luke 1:8-10). The incense spoke of the people’s prayers rising to the nostrils and the attention of God (Psalm 141:2).
It is possible that the prayers of the elders reveal that the church in heaven will be interceding for those who become believers in the tribulation period and for the nation of Israel. It is also possible that these prayers represent the long-standing prayer of God’s people, which our Lord instructed us in Matthew 6:10 to pray - “Your kingdom come.”
They reacted by singing, recognizing His salvation. The twenty-four elders have the harps and the golden bowls of incense; they also are the ones who sing the new song. This new song speaks of redemption, something the angels desire to understand but, in fact, do not experience (1 Peter 1:10-12).

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