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Suviving Scandal -A call to all Catholics Soldiers!

2 years ago

We will not be silent.. we will not stand around idly.. we have a duty to Jesus Christ and our Roman Catholic Church to guard and defend her from the wolves, especially when they have disguised themselves as our shepherds.

As Catholics we must become fearless Sheepdogs and stand up has Soldiers of Christ and be firm on our resolution and assist the few Sheperds who are still fighting for our souls and trying to take out the smoke of Satan from our Sacred Grounds and most of all from the Western Society.

Onward Catholic Soldiers the time has come to put a stop into this. Suit up, its time to put the Armour of God and go out into the Breach to fight these Moloch worshippers.

An Open Letter To Confused Catholics by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre- http://www.archbishoplefebvre.com/uploads/1/0/3/2/10321570/anopen_letter_to_confused_cath-archbishop_marcel_lefebvre.pd.pdf

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