Global COVID Passport Gains New Life at G20 Meeting

1 year ago

In this clip from The Heartland Institute's In the Tank Podcast -- broadcast live on this YouTube channel every Thursday at 1 p.m. ET (NOON CT) -- Jim Lakely, Chris Talgo, S.T. Karnick, and Linnea Lueken discuss a terrible idea out of the G20 Summit of global leaders this week. All G20 nations (with the notable exception of China) has agreed in principle to require everyone on the globe to get a Global Health Passport (or a

Digital Health Certificate approved by WHO. If you are certified by WHO as being vaccinated and properly tested, "you can move around." If you don't, you can't. Bottom line: Our global elites see all but themselves not as individuals, not as even human beings, but as only vectors of disease and walking bags of infection.

If you value your freedom at all, you must resist this dehumanizing idea with everything you have. This is the most anti-human idea yet to come out of these global meetings, and that's a high bar to clear.

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