Culture, Ethnicity, Merit, IQ, Cronyism & Overrepresentation of Domains

2 years ago

As a diverse species, we have diverse adaptations & influences. What may appear to be can be accounted for in numerous ways.

I first and foremost am a follower of the Living God Christ! Not the apostle Paul, St. Augustine, Martin Luther, nor the Kings of this Earth who are under the Principality of Satan. Christ is my King!

There is no Greek or Jew in Christ nor young or old nor rich or poor. Christ is no respecter of the hierarchical structures that men create. Christ is King of All.

Those who belong to him know this. Worldly worship of Power amongst men is the literal beast system of the Revelation of John. The numbers 666 directly relate back to man's governments, economics & religions.

To my critics: You will always be welcome. If you do not understand that I have studied these things being nearly 42 my whole life and have studied seriously and contemplated them since I was 24 yrs old, you might believe I'm wrong. I assure you whatever rabbit hole you think I haven't explored I likely have and you are mistaken. I've probably gone deeper than you could ever imagine.

Some suggested that I follow another man's work to understand better. No, I follow Christ. No man is my teacher. All else is data points. You who claim to be Christians but are not because you have two masters have no eyes to see nor ears to hear.

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